Vision Laboratory at Yale University


Please contact the principal investigator, Alex Wong (email below), for inquiries.

Prospective Students, Visitors, and Interns

Prospective students are welcome to reach out; however, due to the volume of the emails, it is difficult to respond to each individually. Emails should include ``Prospective student’’ in subject line to help identify relevant mail, and most recent resume/CV. Note that the Yale Vision Laboratory is part the Computer Science department at Yale University and prospective students are required to apply through the university admission process.

Postdoctoral Researchers

For postdoctoral positions, candidates should fill out an application via this form. Email should include ``Prospective postdoc’’ in subject line, most recent resume/CV, and indicate that you have filled out the form above.

Yale Vision Lab
Yale Vision Lab
Yale University
Yale University

Alex Wong

Room 325, 17 Hillhouse Avenue

New Haven, CT 06511, USA

Yale Vision Laboratory

Lab 227, 17 Hillhouse Avenue

New Haven, CT 06511, USA

Yale Computer Science Department

Arthur K. Watson Hall, 51 Prospect Street

New Haven, CT 06511, USA